1 - Understanding ewhoring

First and foremost... if you are a beginner you are likely asking
yourself what ewhoring even is. Well I have the answer for you:
Ewhoring is the act of using sex appeal to make money. One
does not need to utilise their own body to successfully ewhore.
in fact, most professional ewhores have various stock photos of
their main ewhore chick that they use to convincingly chat and
send nudes or offer a premium service to the victim of the
ewhoring and charge for it.
Hopefully now you have seen the definition you have a slight
understanding of what ewhoring is... what you are going to be
doing... and realise that it is quite strange, BUT the most
important thing is that we can make a decent amount of money
very quickly ! Who cares if it’s strange

2 - Getting started
For some this is the hardest part...
but if you follow every step closely then I’m sure it will be a breeze ! I am trying to explaineverything as simply as possible for you beginners but also
integrate advanced techniques for experienced ewhorers.
At the moment the two main networks to ewhore on are KIK
and Snapchat. Personally, I feel that Snapchat is a lot better as
there are many features to help you ( which I will go into detail
later on ) and also I have used Snapchat for personal use for
many years so I know how to use it ! I certainly recommend
downloading both applications for maximum traffic. But stick to
just one to sell your services on.
Some of you may prefer to use KIK for certain reasons, and
as I want to cover everything in as much detail as possible, I will
tell you how to set up on that aswell :)
To use KIK on a computer you will need to download an
emulator. I would say that either bluestacks or NOX are the best
emulators - and can be found and downloaded with a quick
google search. Once downloaded, open the emulator and it
should run like a normal android device then navigate to
download KIK.If using KIK I would recommend to download a modded
version. This will allow you to prove your identity by sending a
live picture ( will go into detail later on ). For Android, from what I
have heard, it seems that “Lynx KIK” is the best modded version
of KIK and works great. On the other hand, for iOS I would
recommend the KIK++ app which can be downloaded from
tweak box using this link;
Now that you have the application installed, you will need to
create your profile.
Before anything, I recommend creating a new email for you
ewhore. Personally, I use gmail as I feel it looks most
professional and has a very simple setup. Now for this email you
are going to need a name for your ewhore... I recommend using
a “sexy” name for this. I will place a link to a list of the 15 sexiest
girl names in the bonus section of this tutorial. For the purpose of
this tutorial, we will be using the name “ATN HADES.” Not only does
the name seem realistic, it also has a nice tone to it, therefore the
client will remember your name if they don’t buy first time. Now
that you have the name, you can create the email. Some people
advise making the email erotic such as;“[email protected]” however, I feel that this appears to
be both unrealistic and unprofessional. I recommend using your
ewhores name coupled with their age. For example;
[email protected]” this seems much more professional.
Now that you have the email, you can continue setting up
your profile. It is quite self explanatory, just follow the steps and
have a cute name on there. For example, “HADES boo ?? ” try
and use emojis to make you seem cute and innocent :) Also
make sure your username is kinda simple and not over the top. A
good example would be something as simple as “HADEs1”
Also, you are going to need a profile picture. You can either
get one from your ewhore “pack” which I will explain later. Or you
can save one from your ewhores instagram, if you can find it,
using Instagram++ which can also be download from tweak box
using this link;
Now that KIK is installed... you now need Snapchat ( my
personal favourite network ) Snapchat can also be downloaded
on a computer using the previously mentioned emulators.Unlike KIK... there is no way to get a “modded” version of
Snapchat as you get instantly banned. However we can use
certain paid applications which will allow us to prove our identity
through sending a live snap, just like KIK++. I would highly
recommend investing in one of these apps as it will make the
whole process a lot easier a